Hello! I'm Gennaddy, in some places Don-Tnowe. I make videogames!

I work solo and have experience mostly with jam games.
This site shows my jam works and a few demos I made!

About me:

Telegram: t.me/don_tnowe
Discord: don-tnowe#0798
Email: gkrupenev@gmail.com

Mailing list!

I have a mailing list. If you're here to play my games, you can subscribe so I can send you notifications when I publish new games, write blog posts or make giveaways.

Well, when I get to those, that is.

My funnies/toys/webtools

MMO Video Title Generator

You know when you're browsing Youtube and you see a video about some MMO, but the title is game-specific gibberish? Well, here's a toy to make these.


MV Generator

Generates world layouts for search-action games. Pretty barebones right now, but could give some starting ideas. May contain unpredictable amounts of back-tracking.


My game engine plugins

Edit Resources as Spreadsheets

Edit Resource files as a spreadsheet: with multi-caret editing, multi-cell operations, Inspector view and CSV import/export.

Godot 3/4 Addon

Dictionary Inspector

An improvement to Godot's Inspector Dictionary editor, making it faster to add entries and edit their keys.

Godot 3/4 Addon

Inspector Extender

Provides alternate views and add-ons for Inspector properties. All you need is a comment above a property.

Godot 3/4 Addon


An ARPG-focused inventory system with grids, crafting, loot pools, vendors, customizable tooltips, item filters and custom inspector views.

Godot 3 Addon

My games and game prototypes